Codominance is a form of inheritance in which two different alleles for a gene are both expressed, and neither allele is dominant over the other. The alleles for type A blood and type B blood are codominant. If a man who is homozygous for type A blood and a woman who is homozygous for type B blood have children, what would you expect to find in the children? (2 points)

Half will have type A and half will have type B blood.

The children will all have type B blood.

The children will all have type AB blood.

The children will all have type A blood.

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Codominance means both are expressed in the presence of each other. If there is one allele of each, then both A and B will be expressed (giving AB type).

If either an A allele is paired with a different one, such as O, then the dominance is expressed and the resulting blood type is A. Similar phenomenon with B.

Since one parent is homozygous with A type (i.e. AA) and the other is homozygous with B type (i.e. BB), then the children will always have an A allele and a B allele,giving AB blood type in all cases.

The above reading recommendations from Writeacher are excellent. In particular, read up on sickle cell anemia alleles. It is even more interesting.

The children will all have type A blood.

To determine the possible blood types of the children, we need to understand how codominance works in relation to the A and B alleles.

In codominance, both alleles are expressed equally and simultaneously. In the case of blood typing, both the A and B alleles are codominant. This means that if an individual has both A and B alleles, they will have the AB blood type.

Given that the man is homozygous for type A blood (genotype AA) and the woman is homozygous for type B blood (genotype BB), we can determine the potential genotypes of their children.

Each parent can only pass on one allele to each child. The man can only pass on an A allele, and the woman can only pass on a B allele. Therefore, each child will receive one A allele from the man and one B allele from the woman. The resulting genotype for all the children would be AB.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The children will all have type AB blood.