a pasta machine costs $33.The ingredients to make one batch of pasta cost $.33.The same amouunt of pasta puchased at a store costs $.99.How many batches of pasta will you have to make for the cost of the machine and ingrediants to eequal the cost of buying the same amount of pasta at the store?

im not sure but is it
1100 batches of pasta?


numberbatches*.99=33+.33*number batches

number batches=33/.66

check my thinking.

so is it 50?

Yep. You're right. It would take 50 batches to break even.

To find the number of batches of pasta needed to equal the cost of buying the same amount of pasta at the store, we need to compare the total cost of making the pasta to the cost of buying it.

Let's break down the costs:

- The pasta machine costs $33.
- The ingredients for one batch of pasta cost $0.33.

So, the cost of making one batch of pasta is $33 + $0.33 = $33.33.

Now let's calculate the cost of buying the same amount of pasta from the store:

- The cost of buying the same amount of pasta at the store is $0.99.

To calculate the number of batches needed to equal the cost of buying the pasta, we divide the cost of buying the pasta by the cost of making one batch:

$0.99 / $33.33 = 0.03 batches.

However, it doesn't make sense to have fractional batches, so we need to round up to the nearest whole number. In this case, we need to make at least 1 batch of pasta to equal the cost of buying the pasta from the store.