Decimals: how do you write 215 and 6 hundredths


Uh oh i wrote it 215.60, what did I do wrong?

Yes. Zeroes at the end of a decimal number don't count in its value.

What you wrote is 215 and sixty hundredths -- which is the same as 215 and 6 tenths.

Thank you, so so 9 tenths and 2 hundredths would be written as 9.20 ?


9 tenths and 2 hundredths = 0.92

Think about money.

Nine-tenths of a dollar is 0.9 or 9 dimes.

Two hundredths of a dollar is 0.02 or cents.

Study the site I posted above.

To write 215 and 6 hundredths as a decimal, you need to understand the place value system of decimals. The digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractional parts of a whole number.

Here's how to write 215 and 6 hundredths as a decimal:

Step 1: Write the whole number part, which is 215: 215.

Step 2: Write the decimal part, which is 6 hundredths. Since there are two decimal places in hundredths, you need to write 6 as a two-digit decimal.

To do this, divide 6 by 100 (because hundredths is 1/100th).

6 ÷ 100 = 0.06

So the decimal part is 0.06.

Step 3: Combine the whole number part and the decimal part to get the final decimal representation:

215 + 0.06 = 215.06

Therefore, 215 and 6 hundredths is written as the decimal 215.06.