A theatre has 11 rows of seats which have 1 to 10 series. Unmatched numbers have 15 seats and 16 seats have matched numbers . How many sets are there in theatre?


To find the total number of seats in the theatre, we need to determine the number of seats in each row and then multiply it by the number of rows.

Given the information that unmatched numbers have 15 seats and matched numbers have 16 seats, we can calculate the number of seats in each row as follows:

For rows with unmatched numbers:
Number of seats in a row = Number of unmatched numbers x Number of seats per unmatched number
= 10 x 15
= 150 seats

For rows with matched numbers:
Number of seats in a row = Number of matched numbers x Number of seats per matched number
= 10 x 16
= 160 seats

Total number of seats in a row = Number of seats in rows with unmatched numbers + Number of seats in rows with matched numbers
= 150 + 160
= 310 seats

Since there are 11 rows in the theatre, the total number of seats in the theatre is:
Total seats in theatre = Number of rows x Number of seats in a row
= 11 x 310
= 3410 seats

Therefore, there are 3410 seats in the theatre.