describe what happens when a nucleus is stabilized by emitting positrons

N:P ratio goes up.

When a nucleus is stabilized by emitting positrons, a process known as positron emission occurs. Positron emission is a type of radioactive decay in which a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, and a positron is emitted.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how you can understand the process:

1. Start by determining the atomic symbol and mass number of the initial nucleus. For example, let's consider the initial nucleus as nitrogen-13 (symbol: N-13, mass number: 13).

2. Identify the element produced after the positron emission. In this case, when a positron is emitted from nitrogen-13, it will result in carbon-13. (symbol: C-13, mass number: 13)

3. To stabilize the nucleus, one of the protons in the nucleus of N-13 must be converted into a neutron. This is achieved by the emission of a positron (symbol: β+). A positron is a positively charged particle with the same mass as an electron but opposite charge.

4. During positron emission, the proton in the nucleus of N-13 is transformed into a neutron. This conversion reduces the atomic number (Z) by one because a neutron has no charge. In our example, nitrogen (atomic number 7) is converted to carbon (atomic number 6).

5. Additionally, to conserve the total mass number (A), an electron-antineutrino (symbol: νē) is emitted. Neutrinos are extremely lightweight particles with no charge.

In summary, when a nucleus is stabilized by emitting positrons, a proton inside the nucleus is converted into a neutron, resulting in a decrease in the atomic number (Z). This emission is accompanied by the release of a positron (β+), an electron-antineutrino (νē), and the formation of a different element with a lower atomic number.