
Use ONE page of your community’s telephone book to complete the following:
Build a sample using SRS (N=10).
Build a sample using Stratified SRS, stratified by gender (N=20).
Build a sample using systematic sampling (N=20).
What do you believe are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

To complete the task, you need a telephone book from your community. We will assume that it contains a list of names and phone numbers of individuals. Please note that I, as an AI, don't have access to real data or a telephone book, so I can only provide a general explanation of the sampling methods and their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Simple Random Sampling (SRS):
To conduct simple random sampling, follow these steps:
a. Assign each individual in the telephone book a unique number.
b. Use a random number generator to select 10 numbers between 1 and the total number of individuals.
c. Correspond these randomly selected numbers to the individuals in the telephone book to obtain your sample of size 10.

- Every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected, ensuring representative sampling.
- It is relatively easy to implement if the population is not too large.

- There is a possibility of sampling error, meaning the sample may not perfectly represent the population.
- It might result in under or over representation of certain groups in the population.

2. Stratified Simple Random Sampling (Stratified SRS):
To perform stratified simple random sampling, follow these steps:
a. Divide the individuals in the telephone book into two groups based on gender (male and female).
b. Assign each individual in each group a unique number.
c. Use a random number generator to select 10 numbers from each gender group, resulting in a sample of 20.

- Ensures that the sample has proportional representation of different groups.
- Allows for comparisons between groups within the population.

- Requires prior knowledge of the population's characteristics to accurately stratify.
- Implementation can be more complex than simple random sampling.

3. Systematic Sampling:
To perform systematic sampling, follow these steps:
a. Assign each individual in the telephone book a unique number.
b. Determine a skip interval (e.g., every 10th individual).
c. Randomly select a starting point within the interval.
d. Select every Nth individual from the starting point until you reach the desired sample size of 20.

- Simple to execute and requires less effort than other methods.
- Can provide good coverage of the population.

- Can introduce a bias if there is a pattern or regularity in the list.
- If the pattern repeats within the population, it may not be representative.

Remember, the best choice of sampling method depends on the specific research question, resource availability, and characteristics of the population being studied.