Please help me because I cannot find any of these answers. Thanks

1. Justices of the Supreme Court are selected by the:
A) President
B) House of Representatives
C) Senate
D) American Bar Association

2. The number of judges on the Supreme Court is determined directly by the:
A) Supreme Court
B) President of the United States
C) Attorney General of the United States
D) Congress of the United States

3. Treaties are approved by:
A) the Senate
B) the House of Representatives
C) a joint meeting of the Senate and House
D) a conference committee of the two houses

4. The ceremonial head of the United States is the:
A) President
B) Vice-President
C) wife of the President
D) Secretary of State

5. The final authority in the interpretation of the Constitution is the:
A) Supreme Court
B) Court of Appeals
C) the Attorney General of the United States
D) the President of the United States

6. President appointments are approved by:
A) the House of Representatives
B) the Senate
C) joint session of the House and Senate
D) none of these

7. Members of the senate serve:
A) two year terms
B) four year terms
C) six year terms
D) three year terms

8. Judges are approached to serve:
A) 10 year terms
B) a life term
C) 4 year terms
D) six year terms


9. The job of the Congress is to _______.
10. The job of the President is to ______.
11. The job of the courts is to ________.
12. Congress is made up of ________.
13. The ________ _________ allows congress to make laws to meet the changing needs of the nation.
14. The Supreme court has the power to declare laws ________.
15. The __________ is the highest law in the land.
16. The _____________ is the last court of appeal in the nation.

# 8 is supposed to say judges are appointed to serve... not judges are approached to serve.

As you might be able to tell by now, YOU need to do the work and let us know what YOU think the answers are. Then someone here will be able to give you feedback.

In addition to your textbook and a copy of the US Constitution, here are some websites that should help you:



I'm sorry but I cannot access external websites or provide direct answers to questions. However, I can guide you on how to find the answers to these questions.

1. To find the answer to question 1, you can refer to the United States Constitution or research the process of Supreme Court justice selection. The answer can be found by understanding the process outlined in the Constitution.

2. To determine the number of judges on the Supreme Court, you can again refer to the Constitution or research the process of determining the number of justices. Understanding the separation of powers in the U.S. government system will help you answer this question.

3. You can find the answer to question 3 by researching the process of treaty approval in the United States. Understanding the role of the Senate and legislative procedures will lead you to the correct answer.

4. To determine the ceremonial head of the United States, you can research the roles and responsibilities of various government officials. Understanding the hierarchy of power in the U.S. government system will help you answer this question.

5. Understanding the concept of judicial review will help you answer question 5. Research the authority and role of different courts in interpreting the Constitution, such as the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and the president.

6. To find the answer to question 6, you can research the process of presidential appointments and the role of different branches of government. Understanding the checks and balances system within the U.S. government will lead you to the correct answer.

7. Research the length of terms for members of the Senate to find the answer to question 7. Understanding the structure of the United States Congress and the terms of its members will help you answer this question.

8. Judges are typically appointed, not approached, to serve. Understanding the process of judicial appointments in the United States will help you answer this question.

9. Fill in the blank: The job of Congress is to _______. Research the roles and responsibilities of the legislative branch to fill in this blank.

10. Fill in the blank: The job of the President is to _______. Research the roles and responsibilities of the executive branch to fill in this blank.

11. Fill in the blank: The job of the courts is to ________. Research the purpose and duties of the judicial branch to fill in this blank.

12. Fill in the blank: Congress is made up of ________. Research the composition of the United States Congress to fill in this blank.

13. Fill in the blank: The ________ _________ allows Congress to make laws to meet the changing needs of the nation. Research the concept that grants Congress the power to legislate and pass laws in response to societal changes.

14. Fill in the blank: The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws ________. Research the power of the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws and fill in this blank.

15. Fill in the blank: The __________ is the highest law in the land. Research the supreme law of the United States to fill in this blank.

16. Fill in the blank: The _____________ is the last court of appeal in the nation. Research the structure of the United States court system to fill in this blank.