In The Call of the Wild, the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

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the bond between Buck and Thornton is based on mutual trust and love. Throughout the novel, Buck experiences various owners and masters, but it is with Thornton that he forms a special connection.

To find a more detailed explanation of this bond, one can analyze the interactions and events that occur between Buck and Thornton in The Call of the Wild. By examining the text closely, we can identify specific moments that highlight the development of their relationship.

To begin, reread the sections of the novel where Buck first meets Thornton. Take note of their initial encounter and how they interact with each other. Pay attention to any dialogue, actions, or emotions expressed by both characters.

Next, look for scenes where Buck and Thornton demonstrate their trust and loyalty towards each other. This could involve situations where Thornton protects Buck or vice versa, as well as moments where they rely on one another for support and companionship.

Additionally, analyze any instances where Buck and Thornton express love or affection towards each other. These moments could include displays of physical affection, such as petting or embracing, or instances where their emotional connection is evident through their words and actions.

By carefully examining these aspects of their relationship, you will be able to determine a well-supported explanation for the bond between Buck and Thornton in The Call of the Wild.