Michael is 63 years younger than Dana. 7 years ago, Dana's age was 4 times Michael's age. How old is Michael now?

63 - 7 = 56

56 / 4 = 14

14 + 7 = ?

Present age:

Dana ----- x
Michael ---- x - 63

7 years ago:
Dana ---- x-7
Michael --- x-63-7 = x-70

x-7 = 4(x-70)
x-7 = 4x - 280
-3x = -273
x = 91

So Dana is now 91 and Michael is 28

7 years ago , Dana was 84 and Michael was 21
Was Dana 4 times as old as Michael ?? , YES

To find Michael's current age, we need to use two equations. Let's assume Michael's age is represented by M, and Dana's age is represented by D.

According to the given information, Michael is 63 years younger than Dana. That can be expressed as:
M = D - 63 -- Equation 1

Also, 7 years ago, Dana's age was 4 times Michael's age. We can write this as:
(D - 7) = 4(M - 7) -- Equation 2

Now, we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of M and D.

Let's substitute the value of M from Equation 1 into Equation 2:
(D - 7) = 4((D - 63) - 7)

Expanding the equation:
(D - 7) = 4(D - 70)

Distributing the 4:
D - 7 = 4D - 280

Rearranging the equation by bringing similar terms together:
4D - D = 280 - 7
3D = 273

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:
D = 91

Now, substitute the value of D into Equation 1 to find M:
M = 91 - 63
M = 28

Therefore, Michael is 28 years old now.