Which of the follwing is not a strong acid?

HI, HCl, HF, HBr, All are strong acids.

Look for Ka (ionization constant) for HCl, HBr, etc. If it isn't listed it is a strong acid.

Thanks for your help DrBob222 :)

To determine which of the following compounds is not a strong acid, we need to know the definition of a strong acid.

A strong acid is an acid that ionizes completely in water, meaning that it dissociates into ions. In other words, in a water solution, all molecules of a strong acid break apart into ions (H+ cations and anions).

Let's go through each compound to determine if it is a strong acid or not:

1. HI (hydroiodic acid): This is a strong acid because it dissociates completely into H+ and I- ions in water.

2. HCl (hydrochloric acid): This is also a strong acid because it fully ionizes into H+ and Cl- ions in water.

3. HF (hydrofluoric acid): This compound is not a strong acid. It is a weak acid. Unlike strong acids, not all the HF molecules dissociate into ions in water. Only a small amount of HF molecules dissociate, leaving behind a significant amount of undissociated HF molecules in solution.

4. HBr (hydrobromic acid): Similar to HCl and HI, HBr is a strong acid as it completely ionizes into H+ and Br- ions in water.

So, among the compounds listed, HF is the one that is not a strong acid, whereas HI, HCl, and HBr are all strong acids.