Teach me the method for this question: if a car travels 180km on 18 litres of petrol, then on a full 40litre - tank it should travel.

First let's find out how far the car will travel on 1 litre of petrol.

180 / 18 = 10 km per litre

40 * 10 = 400 km per tank

Well, if a car travels 180km on 18 litres of petrol, we can calculate the distance it would cover on a full 40-litre tank using a simple proportion.

So, let's set up our equation:

180 km is to 18 litres as "x" km is to 40 litres.

Now, to find "x," we cross-multiply and divide.

(180 km * 40 litres) / 18 litres = x km

Using a calculator, we get:

(7,200 km * 1) / 18 = 400 km.

So, the car should be able to travel around 400 kilometers on a full 40-litre tank. But remember, this is just an estimation, and various factors like car condition, speed, and terrain can affect the actual distance travelled. Also, don't forget that the car might need some pit stops along the way for snacks and bathroom breaks!

To find out how far the car can travel on a 40-liter tank of petrol, use the ratio of the distance traveled to the amount of petrol used for the initial trip.

The given ratio is:
Distance = 180 km
Petrol = 18 liters

To find how far the car can travel on a 40-liter tank of petrol, set up a proportion using the ratio:

(distance traveled / amount of petrol used) = (distance on a full tank of petrol / amount of petrol on a full tank)

Let's substitute the given values into the equation:

180 km / 18 liters = x km / 40 liters

Now, we can cross-multiply to find the value of x:

(180 km) * (40 liters) = (18 liters) * (x km)

Simplify the equation:

7,200 km * liters = 18 liters * x km

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 18 liters:

7,200 km = 18 liters * x km / 18 liters

Simplify further:

7,200 km = x km

So, the car can travel 7,200 km on a full 40-liter tank of petrol.

To solve this question, we can use a concept called "fuel efficiency" or "mileage" to find out how far the car can travel on a full tank of petrol.

The fuel efficiency is calculated as the ratio of distance traveled to the amount of fuel consumed. In this case, the fuel efficiency is 180 km / 18 litres = 10 km/litre.

To find out how far the car can travel on a full 40-liter tank, we can multiply the fuel efficiency by the tank capacity:

Distance = Fuel Efficiency * Tank Capacity

Using this formula, we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 10 km/litre * 40 litres

Distance = 400 km

Therefore, the car can travel 400 km on a full 40-liter tank of petrol.