Sixteen year old Evan is referred to as a perfectionist by his friends and family. Neither his parents nor his teachers put pressure on him because they all know Evan seems to be the most critical of himself. According to Freud, Evan likely

a) Has yet to resolve the Oedipus complex
b) Has a strong superego
c) Has a fixation that occurred during the oral stage
d) Has a Strong Id
e) Has an issue that developed during the genital stage.

I believe the answer is either b or d but not very positive at all.

The superego is our control mechanism, it guides us like an internal critiquing robot, telling each of us what is right or wrong.

To determine the most likely answer according to Freud's theories, we need to understand his concepts and apply them to Evan's situation. Let's break down the given options and analyze them one by one:

a) Having yet to resolve the Oedipus complex refers to a conflict experienced in the phallic stage (around 3-5 years old) where a child may feel attraction towards the opposite-sex parent and rivalry towards the same-sex parent. Since the scenario primarily talks about Evan's perfectionism and self-criticism, it does not directly involve unresolved Oedipal feelings. Therefore, option (a) seems less relevant to Evan's situation.

b) A strong superego represents the moral and ethical part of an individual's personality, which is influenced by parental and societal values. It is associated with guilt, the fear of punishment, and the need for perfection. Based on the scenario, Evan's friends and family describe him as a perfectionist, suggesting a strong internal sense of right and wrong. This aligns with a strong superego. Therefore, option (b) could be a likely choice.

c) A fixation that occurred during the oral stage refers to unresolved conflicts during infancy (0-18 months) related to nurturing, dependency, and oral gratification. There is no information in the scenario that directly links Evan's perfectionism to issues arising from the oral stage. Hence, option (c) is less likely.

d) A strong Id represents the part of the personality that seeks instant gratification and operates on primal desires and instincts. The Id is associated with impulsive and pleasure-seeking behavior. The scenario describes Evan as critical of himself and being a perfectionist. Perfectionism suggests a focus on meeting high standards, which is more aligned with the superego than the Id. Therefore, option (d) is less likely.

e) An issue that developed during the genital stage refers to the final psychosexual stage (puberty and later) involving mature sexual interests and healthy relationships. The scenario does not mention any specific sexual or relationship issues concerning Evan. Therefore, option (e) seems less relevant.

Considering the analysis above, the most likely answer is option (b) - Evan having a strong superego. This aligns with his self-critical behavior and striving for perfection.