Using worksheets in an elementary classroom:

A. challenges children intellectually.

B. simply keeps children busy.

C. encourages creativity in children.

D. promotes social learning.


It depends upon the worksheets.

Doesn't that depend on the worksheet?

If it's just "drill and kill," then it's definitely not A!

What do YOU THINK??

I hope this is not a question from a teacher education class. I can think of worksheets that could fit any of those answers. Such a simplistic question is NOT appropriate for teacher education.

I agree with Ms. Sue -- and I don't believe anyone can be adequately prepared for successful teaching by means of online classes. Interaction and discussion are needed -- among students and between students and the instructor -- but online classes provide little if any interactions or discussion.

To determine the answer, we need to analyze the statement about using worksheets in an elementary classroom. According to the statement, using worksheets in an elementary classroom:

A. challenges children intellectually.
B. simply keeps children busy.
C. encourages creativity in children.
D. promotes social learning.

Let's examine each option:

A. Challenges children intellectually: Worksheets often include exercises or questions that require students to think critically and apply their knowledge. This can help to challenge children intellectually as they solve problems and develop their cognitive skills. Therefore, Option A is a valid answer.

B. Simply keeps children busy: While worksheets can occupy children's time, the purpose of using worksheets in an elementary classroom goes beyond keeping students busy. The primary goal is usually to promote learning and provide practice opportunities, rather than just occupying time. Therefore, Option B is not a valid answer.

C. Encourages creativity in children: Worksheets typically focus on providing structured exercises or tasks, which may not necessarily encourage much creativity in children. Creativity is usually stimulated through open-ended activities, hands-on projects, and imaginative tasks. Therefore, Option C is not a valid answer.

D. Promotes social learning: Worksheets are often completed individually, with students working on their own to solve problems or complete tasks. While there may be opportunities for discussion or collaboration during worksheet activities, the primary emphasis is usually on individual learning rather than social learning. Therefore, Option D is not a valid answer.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is A. Using worksheets in an elementary classroom can challenge children intellectually.