massimo has $90 in the bank. Every time he rides the buss he spends $2.50. write and solve an equation that massimo can use to see how many times he can ride the bus.

90 = 2.5 n

n = 90/2.5 = ?

number of bus rides ---- b

2.5b ≤ 90
b ≤ 90/2.5

Let's use "n" to represent the number of bus rides Massimo can take.

Since Massimo spends $2.50 for each bus ride, the total amount he spent on bus rides can be expressed as 2.50n.

We know that he has $90 in the bank. So, the equation would be:

2.50n = 90

To solve for "n," you can divide both sides of the equation by 2.50:

n = 90 / 2.50

n ≈ 36

Therefore, Massimo can ride the bus approximately 36 times with $90 in the bank.

To find out how many times Massimo can ride the bus, we can set up an equation and solve it.

Let's assume Massimo can ride the bus 'x' number of times.

Since Massimo spends $2.50 each time he rides the bus, the total amount spent on bus rides will be 2.50 * x.

According to the problem, Massimo has $90 in the bank. So, the equation can be written as:

2.50 * x = 90

To solve the equation for 'x', we can divide both sides by 2.50:

x = 90 / 2.50

Now, let's calculate the value of 'x' to determine how many times Massimo can ride the bus.

x = 36

Therefore, Massimo can ride the bus 36 times with $90 in the bank.