What is the displacement from a starting position of (14.0,3.0)m to a final position of (-3.0,-4.0) m?

To find the displacement between two positions, you need to calculate the vector difference between the final position and the starting position. The vector difference is obtained by subtracting the coordinates of the starting position from the coordinates of the final position.

In this case, the starting position is (14.0, 3.0) m, and the final position is (-3.0, -4.0) m.

To calculate the displacement, subtract the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates separately.

For the x-coordinate:
Final position x-coordinate (-3.0) - Starting position x-coordinate (14.0) = -3.0 - 14.0 = -17.0 m.

For the y-coordinate:
Final position y-coordinate (-4.0) - Starting position y-coordinate (3.0) = -4.0 - 3.0 = -7.0 m.

So, the displacement from the starting position to the final position is (-17.0, -7.0) m.

change in y = -7

change in x = -17

magnitude of displacement = sqrt(7^2+17^2)

tan of angle below -x axis = 7/17
because in third quadrant where x and y are negative