A student scored 81 and 95 on her first two quizzes. Write and solve a compound inequality to find the possible

values for a third quiz score that would give her an average between 85 and 90.

To find the possible values for a third quiz score that would give an average between 85 and 90, we can set up a compound inequality.

Let's start by finding the average of the first two quiz scores:

(81 + 95) / 2 = 88

Next, we can set up the compound inequality using the average, 88, and the desired range of 85 to 90.

85 ≤ (81 + 95 + x) / 3 ≤ 90

To simplify this compound inequality, we can multiply each side by 3 to get rid of the fraction:

255 ≤ (81 + 95 + x) ≤ 270

Next, we can simplify further by subtracting 176 from each side:

79 ≤ x ≤ 94

Therefore, the possible values for a third quiz score that would give her an average between 85 and 90 are x such that 79 ≤ x ≤ 94.


Multiply by 3:
Subtract 176:

Third quiz between 79 and 94.