At my school there is this History Day Project and I'm doing it on Atlantis, but I need some help with the

conclusion and significance in hisory and Analysis/Critical thinking.

Analysis/Critical Thinking- While primary sources are the core to any historical research, analysis and critical thinking are the nucleas of interpretation. Anaysis refers to looking at each source or piece of evidence, asking and determining what it means. Critical thinking is using logic. When researching a topic, be sure to compare and contrast and identify the pros and cons of the topic. Asking questions and comparing and contrasting are means for the analysis and critical thinking of the entry topic. Statistics are often used in analysis.

Significance in History- Part of the judging criteria for History Day entries is determining the significance in history. Students should ask why is the topic siginificance in history. Successful entries include topics that are significant to society and humanity today and to our future.

Conclusion- Each enttry must present a conclusion based on the research of the factual evidences. A conclusion is not viewed as right or wrong, but should be based on fact. The conclusion must answer, confirm, or deny the original thesis statement. the conclusion must reflect the impact of the topic today.

thesis: Atlantis is described in Plato’s two Dialogues that explain what the people were like and what was the story behind it. Also, there are other records that describe Atlantis and have the story behind Atlantis.

All you have presented is the guidelines for writing the essay. You need to do some research on Atlantis and form your own conclusions or summary.

Learn more about the evidence that Atlantis existed. It is now widely believed that parts remain as the island of Santorini, where a volcano exploded about the same time that the Minoan civilization was wiped out on Crete, a large island in the same area.

A good place to start would be
(Broken Link Removed)

A web or library search will find you many more.

To craft a solid conclusion and analyze the significance of Atlantis in history, you can follow the steps below:

1. Analyze the primary sources:
- Begin by examining Plato's dialogues, which provide a detailed account of Atlantis. Consider the specific details he provides, including the location, characteristics of its people, and the story behind its downfall.
- Explore other records and sources that describe Atlantis, such as ancient texts, archaeological findings, and theories proposed by scholars. Analyze these sources to identify commonalities, discrepancies, and biases.

2. Apply critical thinking and analysis:
- Independently evaluate each source and piece of evidence for credibility, reliability, and relevance to the study of Atlantis.
- Consider the context in which the sources were created and the potential motivations behind them. Identify any potential biases, conflicting perspectives, or gaps in information.
- Compare and contrast the different accounts of Atlantis, noting similarities and differences. Analyze the pros and cons of each perspective to develop a well-rounded understanding.

3. Determine the significance in history:
- Assess the impact of Atlantis on society and humanity, both in the past and present. Look for its influence on various fields such as literature, science, and philosophy.
- Explore the cultural and intellectual ideas associated with Atlantis, and how they shaped ancient and modern civilizations.
- Consider the enduring fascination with Atlantis and its influence on popular culture, highlighting its continued significance today.

4. Craft a conclusion:
- Your conclusion should be based on the factual evidence you have gathered. It should address and evaluate the original thesis statement regarding Atlantis.
- Summarize the key findings from your research, highlighting the important aspects that emerge from the analysis and critical thinking.
- Reflect on the impact of Atlantis today, both in terms of historical understanding and its cultural and intellectual legacy.

Remember that your conclusion should not be "right" or "wrong" in an absolute sense. Instead, it should demonstrate your ability to synthesize and interpret the evidence you have collected and draw logical conclusions from it.

To develop a strong conclusion and analyze the significance of Atlantis in history, you can follow these steps:

1. Analyze primary sources: Begin by thoroughly examining the primary sources related to Atlantis, such as Plato's Dialogues. Understand the context, content, and any possible biases in these sources. Evaluate the credibility and reliability of each source.

2. Critical thinking: Utilize critical thinking skills while researching Atlantis. Ask questions about the sources, their authors, and their motivations. Compare and contrast different accounts and viewpoints on Atlantis. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each argument or piece of evidence.

3. Analysis of evidence: Look at each piece of evidence and determine what it means in relation to Atlantis. Consider the information provided by Plato, as well as any other historical records or archaeological findings that support or challenge the existence of Atlantis.

4. Application of logic: Use logic to evaluate the validity of the claims made about Atlantis. Consider the logic behind Plato's account, the consistency of the story, and any logical fallacies or contradictions that may arise.

5. Comparisons and contrasts: Compare and contrast Atlantis with other historical civilizations or events. Identify the similarities and differences and discuss their significance. This will help you understand the unique aspects of Atlantis and its place in history.

6. Significance in history: Determine why the topic of Atlantis is significant in history. Explore how the idea of Atlantis has influenced culture, literature, and popular imagination through the ages. Discuss the impact of Atlantis on our understanding of ancient civilizations and its ongoing fascination in modern society.

7. Conclusion: Based on your analysis and research, form a conclusion that summarizes your findings. Make sure your conclusion is supported by factual evidence and aligns with your initial thesis statement. Address any implications or wider implications of your research and discuss how the topic of Atlantis remains important in the contemporary world.

Remember to cite your sources accurately and include any statistics or other evidence that enhances your analysis. Good luck with your History Day project!