As cells get older, DNA gets damaged and lowers in DNA repair process what is the initial effect?

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "DNA aging" to get these possible sources:

I hope this helpos. Thanks for asking.

As cells get older and DNA damage accumulates, the initial effect is a reduction in the efficiency of DNA repair processes. DNA repair mechanisms work to fix damaged DNA and maintain its integrity. However, as cells age, these repair mechanisms become less effective, leading to a buildup of DNA damage over time.

The initial effect of decreased DNA repair is an increased frequency of DNA mutations and errors. These mutations can disrupt normal cellular functions and contribute to various age-related diseases and conditions. Additionally, the accumulation of DNA damage can lead to genomic instability, which further exacerbates the aging process.

To understand the specific effects and consequences of DNA damage and repair on aging, it is advisable to consult scientific literature and studies from reputable sources, as listed in the search results provided. These sources will offer more in-depth information on the topic and provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between DNA damage, repair, and aging.