What is the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, that goes through the point (2,-3) with m=6 ?

Slope intercept form of a line that passes through point (x0,y0) with slope m is given by:


Substitute values to get equation. Post your answer for checking if you wish.

well, I would start with:

y+3 = 6(x-2)

then arrange it to the form you want

You did not specify which of the intercept forms you want.

P(2,-3), m = 6.

Y = mx + b
-3 = 6*2 + b,
b = -15 = y-int.

Eq: Y = 6x - 15.

To find the equation of a line in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given values
The given point (2,-3) gives us the coordinates (x, y) = (2, -3), and the slope m = 6.

Step 2: Plug the values into the slope-intercept form equation
We need to substitute the values of the slope (m) and the coordinates (x,y) into the slope-intercept form equation:
y = mx + b

Using the given values:
-3 = 6(2) + b

Step 3: Solve for the y-intercept (b)
To solve for b, we can simplify the equation:
-3 = 12 + b

Subtract 12 from both sides:
b = -15

Step 4: Write the final equation
Using the value of b, we can now write the equation with the given slope and y-intercept:
y = 6x - 15

Therefore, the equation of the line that goes through the point (2,-3) with a slope of 6 is y = 6x - 15.