On a map, 1 inch represents 120 miles. How much does 3/4 inch represent?

1/120 = (3/4)/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

If 1 inch represents 600 miles how much would 3/4 inch represent

To find out how much 3/4 inch represents on the map, we can set up a proportion using the given scale.

The proportion would be:

1 inch / 120 miles = 3/4 inch / x miles

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

1 inch * x miles = 3/4 inch * 120 miles

Simplifying the equation:

x miles = (3/4 inch * 120 miles) / 1 inch

x miles = (3 * 120) / 4 miles

x miles = 360 / 4 miles

x miles = 90 miles

Therefore, 3/4 inch represents 90 miles on the map.

To find out how much 3/4 inch represents on the map, we can use proportions.

First, let's set up the proportion:

1 inch represents 120 miles

Now we can use this proportion to find out how much 3/4 inch represents:

1 inch / 120 miles = 3/4 inch / x miles

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

(1 inch)(x miles) = (3/4 inch)(120 miles)

x miles = (3/4)(120 miles)

x miles = 90 miles

Therefore, 3/4 inch represents 90 miles on the map.