Tom is making a punch that contains 80% cranberry juice and the rest is ginger ale.

how do I write this equation

To write an equation for this problem, you need to define the variable and set up the equation based on the given information. Let's say the total amount of punch is represented by the variable "t", and the amount of ginger ale added is represented by the variable "g".

Given that the punch contains 80% cranberry juice, it means that 80% of the total punch is cranberry juice, and the remaining 20% is ginger ale. So, the equation for the amount of ginger ale can be set up as:

g = 0.2t

Here, "g" represents the amount of ginger ale, "0.2" represents the decimal equivalent of 20%, and "t" represents the total amount of punch.

Since you mentioned that 100% of the punch is being made, you can substitute "t" in the equation with 100. So, the equation becomes:

g = 0.2(100)

Now, simplifying the right side of the equation:

g = 20

Therefore, the equation to represent the amount of ginger ale is:

g = 20

To write the equation for the punch that contains 80% cranberry juice and the rest is ginger ale, you can use the following steps:

Let g represent the amount (in milliliters, for example) of ginger ale in the punch.
Since the punch contains 80% cranberry juice, the amount of cranberry juice in the punch can be calculated as 80% of the total amount of punch, which is 100%.
So, the equation becomes:

100 = 80 + g

In this equation, 100 represents the total amount of the punch, 80 represents the amount of cranberry juice, and g represents the amount of ginger ale.

Solving this equation will give you the value of g, which represents the amount of ginger ale in the punch.

.8C + .2G = 1 Punch