a town's population went from 25,8000 to 42,600 in 15 years. What is percent of change?

solve for r in

(1+r)^15 = 426/258

To calculate the percent of change between two values, you can use the following formula:

Percent Change = (New Value - Old Value) / Old Value * 100

In this case, the old value is 25,800 and the new value is 42,600. Plug these values into the formula to get the percent of change:

Percent Change = (42,600 - 25,800) / 25,800 * 100

Calculating this equation gives:

Percent Change = (16,800) / 25,800 * 100

Percent Change = 0.65116 * 100

Percent Change = 65.12

Therefore, the percent of change in the town's population is approximately 65.12%.