Answer of least number possible with 5 in the thousands place

Write a 5 in the thousands place.

Then fill in three more digits (0 to 9) to complete the number in a way that it is the smallest possible number.

I need help with a question. the 5 in the thousand place is

To answer with the least number possible with 5 in the thousands place, we need to consider the place values of the digits before and after the thousands place.

The thousands place has the highest place value, so to minimize the number, we can set the other digits in the smaller places to their lowest possible values.

With a 5 in the thousands place, the remaining digits can be set to 0 in the hundreds, tens, and ones places. Therefore, the least number possible with a 5 in the thousands place is 5000.

To find the least possible number with 5 in the thousands place, we need to consider the other digits of the number.

Since the thousands place is the highest place value, we can assume that the other digits are at their minimum value, which is 0.

Therefore, the least number possible with 5 in the thousands place is 5000.