The average daily minimum temperature for Pablo’s hometown can be modeled by the function f(x)=15.3sin(πx6)+44.1 , where f(x) is the temperature in °F and x is the month.

x = 0 corresponds to January.

What is the average daily minimum temperature in June?

Round to the nearest tenth of a degree if needed.

Use 3.14 for π .

6.616 ? i might be wrong though

My dude, just give him the answer

Can you kindly explain the steps that led you to 6.616? It would help me understand your thinking process in order to help you solve the problem accordingly.

well i kind of put in numbers on my calculator

Can you explain exactly what you put in your calculator, including parentheses etc.?

Can you reproduce the value? What do you get this time?

To find the average daily minimum temperature in June, we can plug in x = 6 into the function f(x) = 15.3sin(πx/6) + 44.1.

Replacing x with 6, we get:

f(6) = 15.3sin(π(6)/6) + 44.1
= 15.3sin(π) + 44.1

Since sin(π) is equal to 0, we have:

f(6) = 15.3(0) + 44.1
= 0 + 44.1
= 44.1

Therefore, the average daily minimum temperature in June is 44.1 degrees Fahrenheit.