Which of these is an example of a monetary incentive

A. Having fun walking a dog
B. Making friends on a sports team
C. Learning a new skill by studying it
D. Earning a allowance for doing chores

I think it is D. Earning an allowance for doing chores

it cuz it says lesson12, unit4

The correct answer is D. Earning an allowance for doing chores.

To identify which option is an example of a monetary incentive, we need to understand what a monetary incentive is. A monetary incentive is something that motivates or rewards individuals with money for their actions, efforts, or achievements.

Option A, having fun walking a dog, is not a monetary incentive because it is a source of enjoyment or pleasure, not a financial reward.

Option B, making friends on a sports team, is not a monetary incentive because it involves forming social connections, not receiving money.

Option C, learning a new skill by studying it, is not a monetary incentive because it focuses on gaining knowledge or expertise, not receiving money.

Option D, earning an allowance for doing chores, is an example of a monetary incentive. In this situation, individuals are rewarded with money for completing household tasks or responsibilities.

In summary, the correct answer is D. Earning an allowance for doing chores because it involves receiving money as a reward for fulfilling household responsibilities.

Well, what does "monetary" mean?

And what does this have to do with U.S. history?