Plss help


Use the FOIL method

Farthest: Multiply the 3b variables together.
Outside: Multiply the outside 2 variables together.
Inside: Multiply the inside 2 variables together.
Left: Multiply the 2 variables on the left side toghether.

this is a perfect square.

(x-y)^2 = x^2-2xy+y^2

Now just substitute in

x = 3b
y = 4a

Certainly! The expression you have is (3b-4a)(3b-4a). To simplify this expression, we can use the distributive property of multiplication.

Let's take it step by step:

First, we multiply the first terms of the binomials:
(3b)*(3b) = 9b^2

Next, we multiply the outer terms:
(3b)*(-4a) = -12ab

Then, we multiply the inner terms:
(-4a)*(3b) = -12ab

Finally, we multiply the last terms of the binomials:
(-4a)*(-4a) = 16a^2

Now, we can combine these simplified terms:
9b^2 - 12ab - 12ab + 16a^2

To combine like terms, we combine the "b^2" terms together:
9b^2 - 24ab + 16a^2

So, the simplified form of (3b-4a)(3b-4a) is 9b^2 - 24ab + 16a^2.