If you roll a number cube 25 times, about how many times do you expect to roll a number greater than 3?

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how many of the 6 numbers are greater than 3?



To determine how many times you can expect to roll a number greater than 3 when rolling a number cube 25 times, you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the probability of rolling a number greater than 3 on a single roll of the number cube. A number cube has six sides, numbered 1 through 6. The numbers greater than 3 are 4, 5, and 6, which is a total of three options. So, the probability of rolling a number greater than 3 is 3/6 or 1/2.

2. Multiply the probability from step 1 by the total number of rolls (25) to estimate the expected number of times you will roll a number greater than 3.

Expected value = Probability * Total number of rolls
Expected value = (1/2) * 25
Expected value = 12.5

Therefore, you can expect to roll a number greater than 3 approximately 12.5 times when rolling a number cube 25 times. Since you cannot have a fraction of a roll, the expected value represents an average over many trials.