Which sentence correctly demonstrates the use of punctuation between two clauses?

To determine which sentence correctly demonstrates the use of punctuation between two clauses, we will need to analyze each option one by one.

1. I went to the store and I bought some groceries.
2. I went to the store and, I bought some groceries.
3. I went to the store, and I bought some groceries.

Option 1: "I went to the store and I bought some groceries." This sentence uses a coordinating conjunction ("and") to connect the two clauses. In this case, no additional punctuation is required as the coordinating conjunction itself serves as the connector between the clauses. This sentence is correct.

Option 2: "I went to the store and, I bought some groceries." This sentence incorrectly uses a comma directly after the coordinating conjunction "and". This comma is unnecessary and disrupts the flow between the clauses. This sentence is not correct.

Option 3: "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries." This sentence uses a comma after the independent clause before the coordinating conjunction. This comma is known as a comma before the coordinating conjunction and is used when joining two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction. This sentence is correct.

Therefore, the sentence that correctly demonstrates the use of punctuation between two clauses is Option 3: "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries."