Which of the following is an example of personification?

1. The kitten lapped the milk greedily from its bowl before lying down to take a nap.
2. The flames form the campfire danced wildly and created mischievous shadows on our tent.
3. The coins in the fountain sparkled like diamonds on a tiara.

Which do YOU think?

I am not sure

Personification is when HUMAN characteristics, feelings, motions, etc., are used to describe non-human things.

What do you think?

maybe #2

Yes, 2.

The second question

To determine which of the statements is an example of personification, it's important to understand what personification means. Personification is a figure of speech where human characteristics or qualities are attributed to non-human entities, such as animals, objects, or ideas.

Now, let's analyze each statement to identify if it contains personification:

1. "The kitten lapped the milk greedily from its bowl before lying down to take a nap."
This statement does not involve personification. It simply describes the actions of a kitten in a straightforward manner.

2. "The flames from the campfire danced wildly and created mischievous shadows on our tent."
This statement does contain personification. The writer has attributed the human quality of dancing to the flames and the ability to create mischievous shadows, which are actions associated with humans.

3. "The coins in the fountain sparkled like diamonds on a tiara."
This statement does not involve personification. It includes a comparison between the way the coins in the fountain sparkle and the way diamonds sparkle. However, there is no attribution of human qualities to non-human entities.

So, the correct answer is statement number 2: "The flames from the campfire danced wildly and created mischievous shadows on our tent." This sentence demonstrates personification by attributing human-like actions (dancing) to the flames.