it has recently been shown that UGA specifies tryptophan and CUA codes for threonine in the mitochondrial translation system of yeasts and hamsters.

A. what do these codons usually specifiy

B. Comment on the significane of these minor departures from the code

Can someone please help me

Certainly! I can help you with your questions.

A. Under normal circumstances, the codons UGA and CUA generally specify for the amino acids selenocysteine and leucine, respectively. However, in the mitochondrial translation system of yeasts and hamsters, it has been observed that UGA codes for tryptophan, while CUA codes for threonine.

B. These minor departures from the universal genetic code have significant implications, as they demonstrate the existence of variations in codon usage and decoding mechanisms across different organisms and cellular compartments. These variations highlight the adaptability and flexibility of the genetic code, as it can be modified under certain conditions. Understanding these departures helps in deciphering the complexity of translation processes and provides insights into the evolution of genetic codes. Additionally, these findings have practical implications for genetic engineering, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical research where modification of codon usage can be used to optimize protein expression or develop new therapies.