the stem-and-leaf plot shows the height, in inches, of the players on two different basketball teams. How many players on each team are less than 70 inches tall? Heights of Players In inches Austin College Barton College Leaf Stem Leaf 6 7 8 8 9 6 4 6 8 1 1 2 6 7 1 1 1 3 4 5 1 8 2 (1 point) • Austin College, 4; Barton College, 6 • Austin College, 5; Barton College, 7 • Austin College, 5; Barton College, 3 • Austin College, 9; Barton College, 9 my answer is C check my work plz

The answer is C

Instead, people that've already completed the test should answer this specific test correctly. No one has directly answered anything, which could lead to misunderstanding and some could accidentally turn in the wrong answer. Thank you for understanding.

frick idk

What do you mean no

so the answer is Austin College, 5; Barton College, 3?

Yes, that is correct.


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