Find the function of that without simplifing it


To find the function of f(x) = 2x^2*sin(x) without simplifying it, we need to understand the different components of the function.

1. The variable "x" represents the input values to the function.
2. "**" denotes exponentiation, so x^2 means "x raised to the power of 2."
3. "sin(x)" represents the sine of x.

To evaluate the function for a specific value of x, simply substitute that value into the function and perform the necessary calculations.

For example, if we want to find the value of f(x) when x = 3:
f(3) = 2(3^2)*sin(3)
= 2(9)*sin(3)
= 18*sin(3)

Remember, we are not simplifying the function, so we must leave it in its current form. We can evaluate it numerically for specific x values, but we cannot simplify it further without additional information or restrictions.