Which sequence shows the correct order of Earth’s geologic time intervals from oldest to youngest?

To determine the correct order of Earth's geologic time intervals from oldest to youngest, we need to consult the geologic time scale. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by researching the geologic time scale. This scale divides Earth's history into different time intervals or eons.

2. Look for a reliable source, such as a geological textbook or reputable website related to geology or Earth sciences.

3. As you explore the geologic time scale, you will come across various eons, eras, periods, and epochs. Each interval represents a different span of time and contains distinctive geological and biological events.

4. Pay attention to the names and hierarchy of the intervals. The geologic time scale usually starts with the largest division, such as an eon, followed by eras within the eon, then periods within the eras, and finally epochs within the periods.

5. Look for specific information on the different geologic time intervals and their relative ages. Each interval will have specific dates or a range of dates associated with it.

6. Once you have familiarized yourself with the geologic time scale and the specific intervals, identify the correct order by arranging them from oldest to youngest.

Remember, the geologic time scale is a consensus among scientists and may be subject to revisions as more data becomes available. It is always a good idea to consult up-to-date and reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

The correct order of Earth's geologic time intervals from oldest to youngest is as follows:

1. Precambrian Time
2. Paleozoic Era
3. Mesozoic Era
4. Cenozoic Era

None of the above.