Based on the outcome of the 2008 elections, one might expect which of the following to have been true?

A. Vigorous opposition by the Republican majority in the Senate will defeat many of President Obama’s initiatives.
B. House Democrats will follow a moderate policy agenda.
C. Republicans will move to a more liberal position on health care reform and government spending to help the economy.
D. President Obama would pursue an ambitious agenda to help the economy, address health care reform, and pursue initiatives concerning green technology and education reform.

Again, I agree.

Based on the outcome of the 2008 elections, option D is the most likely answer. President Obama won the presidency in 2008, and the Democratic Party gained control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This would suggest that President Obama, with the support of the Democratic majority in Congress, would have the opportunity to pursue and implement a more ambitious agenda. This could include initiatives to help the economy, address healthcare reform, and pursue initiatives concerning green technology and education reform.

To arrive at this conclusion, you can analyze the outcome of the 2008 elections, specifically the victor in the presidential race and the party that gained control of Congress. In this case, President Obama's victory and the Democratic Party gaining control of both the House and the Senate indicate that option D is the most likely option to be true.