How would you describe the land elevation at the start of his journey in North America

I would say that he was next to a mountain and on the water so he should be at the elevation of 6562 so i agree with Taraji.

I smart :)

The elevation is 6562

To describe the land elevation at the start of a journey in North America, you would usually need to look at a topographic map or use an online mapping service that provides elevation data. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Open a web browser and navigate to a mapping service like Google Maps, Bing Maps, or any other service that offers elevation data.

2. Use the search bar or zoom in on the specific location where the journey begins in North America. You can search for a city, landmark, or even specific coordinates.

3. Once you have found the desired location, right-click on the area and select "What's here?" or "Show elevation" (the exact wording may vary depending on the mapping service).

4. This will either display a marker indicating the elevation or provide a pop-up window with the information. The elevation is usually given in feet or meters above sea level.

Alternatively, you can also consult topographic maps, which provide detailed information about land elevation. These maps are often available at libraries, outdoor stores, or accessible through various online mapping platforms.

Please note that the land elevation can vary significantly depending on the specific location in North America, as the continent encompasses diverse geographical features such as mountains, coastal areas, and plains.


Who took a journey? Whoever it was, your teacher doesn't want me to describe the elevation. That's your assignment. We'll be glad to check it.