Island A is 500km east and 320km south of Island B. Island C is 75km east and 1015km north of island A.

find the components of the (delta)r vector value pointing from island B to island C

DRAW IT !!!!

east: 500 + 75

north: 1015 - 320

V(B-C) = 500 - 320i + 75 + 1015i

V(B-C) = 500+75 - 320i+1015i
V(B-C) = 575 + 695i.

Components: 575km E., 695km N.

To find the components of the vector pointing from Island B to Island C, we can break it down into its eastward and northward components.

First, let's determine the eastward component. Island C is 75km east of Island A, which means it is also 75km east of Island B since Island A is directly east of Island B. Therefore, the eastward component of the vector BC is 75km.

Next, let's determine the northward component. Island C is 1015km north of Island A, and Island A is 320km south of Island B. So, to go from Island B to Island C, we need to move north and then south. The total northward distance is the sum of the distance from Island A to Island C (1015km) and the distance from Island A to Island B (320km). Therefore, the northward component of the vector BC is (1015km + 320km) = 1335km.

Hence, the components of the vector BC pointing from Island B to Island C are 75km eastward and 1335km northward.