Smita and Geeta have marbles in the ratio 3:2.Geeta and Reshma have marbles in the ratio 3:5.if they have 250 marbles all together,how many marbles does Smita have???

s:g = 3:2 = 9:6

g:r = 3:5 = 6:10

s:g:r = 9:6:10
9+6+10 = 25

so, we have

s:g:r = 90:60:100
90+60+100 = 250


To find out how many marbles Smita has, we need to use the information given in the ratios.

Let's start by assuming that the number of marbles Smita has is 3x, where x is a common factor for both ratios.

According to the first ratio, the number of marbles Geeta has is 2x.

Now, let's consider the second ratio. It states that the number of marbles Geeta has is in a 3:5 ratio with Reshma. So, if Geeta has 2x marbles, then Reshma has 5x marbles.

To find the total number of marbles, we need to sum up the marbles each person has:

Smita: 3x
Geeta: 2x
Reshma: 5x

Adding all these values gives us:

3x + 2x + 5x = 250

Simplifying the equation:

10x = 250

Dividing both sides of the equation by 10:

x = 25

Now, we can find the number of marbles Smita has by substituting the value of x into Smita's marbles:

Smita = 3x = 3 * 25 = 75

Therefore, Smita has 75 marbles.


Yes 90 .