How do I convert numbers into percentages. The all of the percentage is out of 50%.

Fractions: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the decimal answer by 100.

3/4 = 0.75 = 75%

Q8A & Q8B: Using the castaway_details data, what is the percentage of total extroverts and introverts that have played the game (count players only once even if they have played in more than one season). Do not count contestants without a personality type listed in your calculations. Save these percentages as Q8A and Q8B respectively. Note: Round all percentages to two decimal points and write as a float (example: 55.57) python code

To convert numbers into percentages out of 50%, follow these steps:

1. Take the given number and divide it by the total number you want to express as a percentage of (in this case, 50). Let’s call this result "A".
Example: If you want to convert the number 25 into a percentage out of 50, divide 25 by 50. The result is 0.5.

2. Multiply the result obtained in step 1 by 100 to find the percentage amount. Let’s call this result "B".
Example: Multiply 0.5 by 100. The result is 50.

3. The final step is to add a "%" sign to the percentage amount obtained in step 2.
Example: Add the "%" sign to 50, resulting in 50%.

Therefore, to convert the number 25 into a percentage out of 50, you would get 50%.