Fill in the blank using the past of hacer or dar as needed so that each sentence makes sense.

1-Nosotros le ________ dinero.
2-Yo le __________ __ un regalo.
3-Tú le _________ ___ el lápiz.
4-Ellos ________ __ una película.
5-El me ________ ____ $10 dólares

My Answers:
1. de
2. hacer
3. hacer
4. de
5. de

please help me @Ms.Sue

1. Nosotros le dimos dinero.

To fill in the blank, we use the past tense of the verb "dar" which is "dimos." To get this answer, conjugate the verb "dar" in the first person plural (nosotros) in the past tense.

2. Yo le hice un regalo.
To fill in the blanks, we use the past tense of the verb "hacer" which is "hice." To get this answer, conjugate the verb "hacer" in the first person singular (yo) in the past tense.

3. Tú le diste el lápiz.
To fill in the blanks, we use the past tense of the verb "dar" which is "diste." To get this answer, conjugate the verb "dar" in the second person singular (tú) in the past tense.

4. Ellos hicieron una película.
To fill in the blanks, we use the past tense of the verb "hacer" which is "hicieron." To get this answer, conjugate the verb "hacer" in the third person plural (ellos) in the past tense.

5. El me dio $10 dólares.
To fill in the blanks, we use the past tense of the verb "dar" which is "dio." To get this answer, conjugate the verb "dar" in the third person singular (él) in the past tense.