I need help on some Spanish questions. I'm not good at Spanish..

6. Algun dia tu _____ a visitor mi pueblo.

A. Veniras
B. Vendras<<
C. Venas
D. Venderas

8. No es cierto que Tomas ______ en Brasil.

A. Es
B. Sea
C. Esta
D. Este<<

11. In aire acondicionado puede ahorrar _______.

A. Calefaccion
B. Energia<<
C. Fuente
D. Paz

12. No creo que a Daniela le _______ mucho cocinar.

A. Gusta<<
B. Guste
C. Gustara
D. Gusto

14. El tren ______ manana a las 9 de la manana.

A. Saldre
B. Saldra
C. Salire
D. Salira<<

15. La Luuna esta en _______

A. El bosque
B. El espacio
C. La Tierra
D. la Guerra<<

16. Es imposible que los animales ______ sin agua.

A. Viven
B. Viviran
C. Vivan<<
D. Vivir

19. La genre lucha ______ la destruccion del bosque.

A. Proteger<<
B. Grave
C. Puro
D. Contra

20. No saben ahora cuando es el concierto. Me lo _______ manana.

A. Diran
B. Deciran
C. Decran<<
D. Decidran

This question needs to be revived, hopefully commenting will do so!

Thank you

Sure, I can help you with these Spanish questions. Here's how you can find the answers:

6. The sentence is "Someday you will _____ my town." To determine the correct word, you need to conjugate the verb correctly. The subject "tu" (you) needs the future tense, so the correct form of the verb "venir" (to come) is "vendrás," as shown in option B.

8. The sentence is "It is not true that Tomas _______ in Brazil." This sentence requires the subjunctive mood. Since the sentence expresses doubt or negation, you need to use the subjunctive form. The correct form of the verb "estar" (to be) in the subjunctive is "esté," which is shown in option D.

11. The sentence is "An air conditioner can save _______." To determine the correct word, you need to identify the context. The correct answer should indicate what an air conditioner can save. Among the options, option B, "energía" (energy), is the appropriate answer.

12. The sentence is "I don't think Daniela _______ cooking very much." To determine the correct word, you need to conjugate the verb correctly and choose the appropriate form for an opinion. The correct form of the verb "gustar" (to like) in this case is "guste," which is shown in option B.

14. The sentence is "The train _______ tomorrow at 9 in the morning." To determine the correct word, you need to conjugate the verb correctly. The subject "el tren" (the train) requires the future tense, so the correct form of the verb "salir" (to leave) is "saldrá," as shown in option B.

15. The correct answer is "C. La Tierra." The question is asking for the location of the moon, and option C is "The Earth," which is the correct answer.

16. The sentence is "It is impossible that animals _______ without water." To determine the correct word, you need to choose the appropriate form of the verb "vivir" (to live) that matches the sentence. Since it expresses doubt or negation, you need to use the subjunctive form. The correct form is "vivan," as shown in option C.

19. The sentence is "People fight _______ the destruction of the forest." To determine the correct word, you need to choose a word that conveys the meaning of protection or defense in the context. Option A, "proteger" (to protect), corresponds with the meaning of the sentence.

20. The sentence is "They don't know when the concert is. They will tell me _______." To determine the correct word, you need to choose the correct conjugation of the verb "decir" (to tell) that matches the future tense. The correct form is "dirán," as shown in option A.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

no chance it will be... oh well, guess ill d!e!

8. B. "No es cierto requires the Subjunctive

11. In = El

12. B = Subjunctive required

14. B. irregular future

15. Luuna = Luna (spelling)

20. Dirán
