Complete the indirect proof.

Given: Rectangle JKLM has an area of 36 square centimeters. Side is at least 4 centimeters long.
Prove: KL ≤ 9 centimeters

Assume that a. ____. Then the area of rectangle JKLM is greater than b. _____ , which contradicts the given information that c. _____. So the assumption must be false. Therefore, d. _____.

im just not sure how to answer this question, or how to even start it

If the sides are x and y, then we have

xy = 36
y = 36/x

So, let x=4. Then y = 36/4 = 9

Now, you know that dividing by a larger value gives a smaller quotient.

So, x>4 means y<9

Assume that KL is greater than 9 centimeters. Then the area of rectangle JKLM would be greater than 36 square centimeters, which contradicts the given information that the area is 36 square centimeters. So the assumption that KL is greater than 9 centimeters must be false. Therefore, KL is not greater than 9 centimeters which implies KL is less than or equal to 9 centimeters.