During Pope Urban II's plea. Which two factors contributed most to the formation of the crusading spirit?

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To determine the factors that contributed most to the formation of the crusading spirit during Pope Urban II's plea, you need to analyze historical sources and scholars' perspectives. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research Pope Urban II's plea: Start by understanding the context of his plea, which took place during the Council of Clermont in 1095. Look for primary sources, such as papal letters, chronicles, or eyewitness accounts that provide insights into the speech itself.

2. Study historical accounts: Consult scholarly works and historical texts that describe the events leading up to the Crusades. Look for sources that examine the motivations and factors that influenced people to respond to Pope Urban II's call for a holy war.

3. Consider religious motivations: One factor that commonly contributed to the formation of the crusading spirit was religious fervor. The medieval mindset was deeply influenced by Christian beliefs, and the idea of reclaiming the Holy Land from Muslim control held significant religious significance. Look for evidence of how religious motivations played a role in the formation of the crusading spirit.

4. Evaluate political and socio-economic factors: Beyond religious reasons, several political and socio-economic factors contributed to the formation of the crusading spirit. These factors include the desire for wealth, prestige, and land, as well as the opportunity to divert internal conflicts or combat external threats. Examine historical accounts and scholarly opinions that discuss these factors.

5. Compare various perspectives: Acknowledge that different historians may emphasize different factors when explaining the formation of the crusading spirit. Consider multiple viewpoints and evaluate their supporting evidence to gain a comprehensive understanding.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to identify the two factors that most prominently contributed to the formation of the crusading spirit during Pope Urban II's plea.