the minute hand of a clock is 6 inches long. how far does the tip of the minute hand move in 15 minutes?

shyrbg lthvku juyhncpb tcohkj mqyvxe phzaewmq csqane

15 mins means 90 degree.

This step is difficult for ones who are new or beginners kinda! =
If you draw the shape it becomes a sector. And to find the distance the TIP has travelled, you would have to use the ARC LENGTH FORMULA, which is
Arc length= Degree travelled➗360 ✖️2(pi) ✖️r
Use this formula and find the solution! Steps are as following:
Degree travelled is 90 degree
Pi is 22➗7
r is the radius or the length which is 6 inches
Now multiply pi with 2 then multiply it by radius which is six. Then multiply it by 90 and divide the final answer by 360. The answer you get is the distance travelled by the TIP.

what is the circumference of a circle with radius of 6 in?

What fraction of a circle does the minute hand move in 15 minutes?

i don't get it?

What part don't you get?

Do you know how to find the circumference of a circle?

Do you know how to find the fraction represented by 15 minutes?

The hand moves 90 degrees just like a short or longer one would.
