There are 2000 students in a course. They wrote a mathematics test which was scored out of 40 and then converted to percentage.

1. Draw a flowchart that reads the name, sex and score of each student, and outputs the names of the female students that scored below 45% and how many they are.
2. Write a pseudo code program that reads the name, sex and score of each student, and outputs the names of the female students that scored below 45% and how many they are.

No data. Cannot draw a flow chart here.

you could start here:

To help you with your questions, here is the flowchart and pseudo code for the given problem:

1. Start
2. Initialize count as 0
3. Read the total number of students (n)
4. Repeat n times
5. Read student's name
6. Read student's sex
7. Read student's score
8. If student's sex is female and score is below 45%
9. Print the student's name
10. Increment count by 1
11. Print the total count of female students with scores below 45%
12. Stop

Pseudo Code:
1. Set count = 0
2. Read n (total number of students)
3. Repeat n times
a. Read name
b. Read sex
c. Read score
d. If sex is female and score < 45
i. Print name
ii. Increment count by 1
4. Print "Total female students with scores below 45%: " + count

1. In both the flowchart and pseudo code, we start by initializing the count variable to keep track of the number of female students with scores below 45%.
2. We then read the total number of students (n).
3. Using a loop, we repeat the process for each student, where we read their name, sex, and score.
4. Inside the loop, we check if the student's sex is female and their score is below 45%. If this condition is true, we print the student's name and increment the count.
5. After the loop, we print the total count of female students with scores below 45%.

You can use either the flowchart or the pseudo code to implement the solution in a programming language of your choice.