How to do you Put in scientific notation (400)*(3000)

Solve a^m*a^g

please help I do not understand!!!:(

The second:

a^m * a^g= a^(m+g)
exponents add when multiplying.

The first
4*10^2 * 3*10^3=12*10^5= 1.2 * 10^6

Thank you soooo much

lhck pbocxtfew akevjnszl lmfnzsqke vzdqu tozaywb jwurhzsmt

To put the expression (400)*(3000) in scientific notation, you need to multiply the two numbers and adjust the decimal point.

First, multiply the numbers:
400 * 3000 = 1,200,000

Next, adjust the decimal point to have only one digit before it:

To denote this in scientific notation, move the decimal point to the right 6 times and multiply the result by 10^6:
1.2 * 10^6

Therefore, (400)*(3000) in scientific notation is 1.2 * 10^6.

Now, let's solve the expression a^m * a^g.

The rule for multiplying exponential expressions with the same base is to add the exponents.

So, for the expression a^m * a^g, you would add the exponents of 'a' which are 'm' and 'g'.

The final result would be a^(m+g).

For example, if 'a' was 2, and 'm' was 3 and 'g' was 5, the expression would be:
2^3 * 2^5 = 2^(3 + 5) = 2^8.

Therefore, to solve a^m * a^g, you need to add the exponents of 'a' and the result would be a^(m+g).