What is a Cardinal number?

A cardinal number is a counting number. Three are three pies on the table. Three is a cardinal number.

Cardinal numbers are the ones you count by, as Bob Pursley explained above. One, two, three, four, etc.

(Ordinal numbers tell you what order something is in: first, second, third, fourth, etc.)

I don't know too.

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A cardinal number is a number that represents the quantity or count of something. It is used to answer the question "How many?" or "How much?" For example, if you have three apples, the number "three" is a cardinal number because it tells you the count of apples you have.

If you want to understand what a cardinal number is in more detail, you can refer to mathematical resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, or educational websites. These sources will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of cardinal numbers and their properties, including how they are used in various mathematical operations. Additionally, you can practice solving problems involving cardinal numbers to strengthen your comprehension.