1. which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A. The student wrote too slow to finish the exam, but he has always been a slowly writer.
B. The student wrote too slow to finish the exam, but he has always been a slow
C. The student wrote too slowly to finish the exam, but he has always been a slowly writer.
D. The student wrote too slowly to finish the exam, but he has always been a slow writer.

2. Which of the following sentences would most likely to be found in an email from a professor to her biology students at a collage?
A. Traffic on Highway 32 will be rerouted to Main Street during renovation of the 7th Street Bridge.
B. I didn’t get any constructive feedback on my paper during the peer review last week.
C. We want to go out for dinner, but we haven’t decided where to eat yet.
D. Research groups from the 10:30 a.m. Tuesday class should meet in the library this week.

i think 1)A , 2)C

Yccchhh! Both are wrong. It's sad because you obviously didn't even read the questions.

Is 1) C and 2) D right?


I'm a bit confused on #1. Answer C just doesnt sound right when you say it, specifically the " But he has always been a slowly writer" part. Can you please explain the difference between C and D and why the answer is C and not D? I'm just trying to understand it, Thank you.

1. Let's analyze the options to find the correct one:

A. "The student wrote too slow to finish the exam, but he has always been a slowly writer." This sentence contains errors in both the adverb "slow" being used instead of the adverb "slowly" and the word "slowly" being used instead of the adjective "slow."

B. "The student wrote too slow to finish the exam, but he has always been a slow writer." This sentence correctly uses the adjective "slow" to describe the writer and the word "slow" as an adverb to describe the action of writing.

C. "The student wrote too slowly to finish the exam, but he has always been a slowly writer." This sentence uses the adverb "slowly" to correctly describe the action of writing, but it mistakenly uses the word "slowly" instead of the adjective "slow" to describe the writer.

D. "The student wrote too slowly to finish the exam, but he has always been a slow writer." This sentence correctly uses the adverb "slowly" to describe the action of writing and the adjective "slow" to describe the writer.

Based on the above analysis, option B is the correct answer to question 1.

2. Now let's analyze the options to find the sentence that would most likely be found in an email from a professor to her biology students at a college.

A. "Traffic on Highway 32 will be rerouted to Main Street during renovation of the 7th Street Bridge." This sentence is unrelated to the context of a professor's communication with her biology students.

B. "I didn’t get any constructive feedback on my paper during the peer review last week." This sentence seems to be a personal statement rather than a message from a professor to her students.

C. "We want to go out for dinner, but we haven’t decided where to eat yet." This sentence is unrelated to the context of a professor's communication with her biology students.

D. "Research groups from the 10:30 a.m. Tuesday class should meet in the library this week." This sentence provides specific information that is relevant to a professor's communication with her biology students, as it mentions the time, class, and location.

Based on the above analysis, option D is the correct answer to question 2.

Therefore, the correct answers are 1) B and 2) D.