What effect did United States policy have on the Soviet Unions war in Afghanistan and why did Soviet troops finally withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989?

A. With U.S. support, the Soviet Union defeated the Afghan rebel forces.

B. During peace talks, Ronald Reagan convinced the Soviet Union to remove its troops from Afghanistan.

C. U.S. support for Afghan fighters helped make the war too costly for the Soviet Union to fight, so the Soviets were forced to pull out.

D. The Soviet Union gave in to the U.S. criticism of its war in Afghanistan and agreed to remove its troops.

Can you check my answer? My answer is C

I agree.

Yes, your answer is correct. Option C is the most accurate answer. U.S. support for Afghan fighters through the provision of weapons, training, and financial aid helped make the war too costly for the Soviet Union to fight. The prolonged conflict drained the Soviet economy and military resources, leading to increased domestic opposition to the war. Ultimately, this forced the Soviet Union to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan in 1989.

To check your answer, let's analyze the options and consider the events surrounding the Soviet Union's war in Afghanistan.

Option A states that the Soviet Union defeated the Afghan rebel forces with U.S. support. However, this is not accurate. Although the Soviet Union received assistance from allied countries, including some communist states, they did not achieve a decisive victory against the Afghan rebel forces.

Option B suggests that Ronald Reagan convinced the Soviet Union to withdraw its troops during peace talks. While negotiations were ongoing between the United States and the Soviet Union during this time, it was not solely Reagan's persuasion that led to the withdrawal of Soviet troops.

Option C states that U.S. support for Afghan fighters made the war too costly for the Soviet Union, leading to their withdrawal. This option is correct. The United States, along with other countries, provided financial and military aid to the Afghan rebels who were fighting against the Soviet Union. The insurgents, known as the Mujahideen, utilized guerrilla warfare tactics and received support in the form of weapons, training, and funding from various sources, including the U.S. The prolonged war took a significant toll on the Soviet Union both financially and in terms of casualties, which eventually contributed to their decision to withdraw.

Option D claims that the Soviet Union succumbed to U.S. criticism and withdrew its troops. While international pressure, including criticism from the United States, did exist, it was not the sole reason for the Soviet Union's withdrawal.

Based on this analysis, your answer of Option C is correct. U.S. support for Afghan fighters contributed to making the war too costly for the Soviet Union, ultimately leading to their withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989.