Two circles touch each other. One of the circles has a diameter of 26 cm and the other

circle has a diameter of 12 cm.
Write down

(a) the least distance between the centres of the two circles,

(b) the greatest distance between the centres of the two circles

To find the least distance between the centers of the two circles, subtract half the diameter of the smaller circle from half the diameter of the larger circle.

(a) The least distance between the centers of the two circles is:
(26/2) - (12/2) = 13 - 6 = 7 cm

To find the greatest distance between the centers of the two circles, add half the diameter of the smaller circle to half the diameter of the larger circle.

(b) The greatest distance between the centers of the two circles is:
(26/2) + (12/2) = 13 + 6 = 19 cm