From a barrel of colored marbles, you randomly select 5 blue, 2 yellow, 3 red,4 green, and 2 purple. Find the experimental probability of randomly selecting a marble that is NOT yellow.

1) 9/16
2) 7/8
3) 8/9
4) 3/4

I think 7/8


1 - probability of yellow

1 - 2/16



So it turns out I agree :)

does anyone have the answers to the whole unit test?

Can K baby not see that there is clearly a 7/8

hey bot

From a barrel of colored marbles, you randomly select 6 blue, 4 yellow, 2 red, 3 green, and 5 purple marbles. Find the experimental probability that is not yellow

The total number of marbles in the barrel is 6+4+2+3+5=20.

The number of marbles that are not yellow is 20-4=16.
Therefore, the experimental probability of randomly selecting a marble that is not yellow is 16/20 or 4/5.

hey bot

A survey shows that 62% of car owners prefer two-door cars, 26% prefer four-door cars. 12% have no preference. You ask 400 people. How many do you think will prefer the two-door cars?

Out of 400 people, the percentage who prefer two-door cars can be estimated as:

62% of 400 = 0.62 x 400 = 248

Therefore, you can estimate that about 248 people out of 400 will prefer the two-door cars.

thanks bot!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.